The remuneration policy of the Company applies to all staff.
The Board of Directors has adopted the remuneration policy in order to comply with the regulatory and legislative framework.
The policy reflects the Company’s objectives and ensures that:
The Board is responsible for the review and control of compliance with the Remuneration Policy.
If necessary, considering changes or development within the business of the Company, the Board implements adjustments to the Remuneration Policy.
The Board also assesses whether the incentive structure is aligned with the Company´s risks, capital and liquidity and the Board further evaluates the probability and timing of the remuneration. The Board has decided not to award variable performance based remuneration to discourage risk-taking that is inconsistent with the managed UCITS or other clients’ risk profile.
An appraisal interview shall be conducted annually, where the individual employees and managers evaluate and document performance during the current year and set new goals. Decisions on adjustment of the employee’s fixed salary are made on the basis of this appraisal.
The various remuneration components are combined to ensure an appropriate and balanced remuneration package.
The remuneration components are:
The fixed remuneration is determined on the basis of the role and position of the individual employee, including professional experience, responsibility, job complexity and local market conditions.
The Company may decide to provide fixed supplements to the salary of the employees taking into account many factors, among others:
Employees’ salaries may be reviewed annually without necessarily resulting in an increase. Other benefits are awarded on the basis of individual employment contracts and local market practice.
Investment in units of the ucits has no guaranteed return and past performance does not guarantee future returns. Investors may not get back their initial amount invested as the value of ucits is subject to changes. Ucits falls within the provisions of the european directive 2009/65/ec.